Sunday, April 13, 2008

Does technology threat privacy ? If yes, what are the dangers? entry 2

Rana Abd el aal : i am going to talk about technology threatening privacy. No one can doubt that technology had made our lives better, and helped us in being more civilized, but also at the same time i think that dangers of technology are more than it's good side. Talking about the internet, a massive network connecting a large number of computers and a vast amount of data, is the most privacy-threatening technological innovation. Many people surfing the net think they are annonymous, but in fact it's totally the opposite privacy is increasingly at risk in the ever-expanding internet, and information about anyone surfing the net could be found without his knowledge. Also, you can be hacked through programs like MSN, international program that makes you chat with your friends and family members in the real time online, and the program which people misuse; instantly, you can be chatting online, and out of a sudden you find a file sent from one on of your contacts labelled things like" this picture looks exactly like you" and things like that, and when you accept it you know it's a hacking file which is a great threat to privacy because if you MSN is hacked that means your e-mail which is your private part is no longer private because the hacker can access to it, and also there's a program that you can download , and it can steal the display picture of other contacts without their knowledge which is a threat to privacy because people take these pictures using them in pornography and in blackmailing eachother. Another noteworthy example is the 12 year old korean boy, that stole data from the congress security site, one of the sites with highest security, and then he was sent to jail, this shows that internet is a great threat to privacy..even a country's secrets or private part is at risk. There are also programs that no one could imagine they exist; for example, i know a guy who can control your computer from any place in the world, meaning you can be sitting on your computer in your office and this guy sitting at his house, and out of a sudden you find your mouse moving alone clicking things you didnt even open and your computer is fully controlled..which is a great threat to privacy and there are now hacking rooms which is a tangible proof that privacy is at risk. Moving on to cell phones which i think is the second threat to privacy, people store Pins, passwords, accounts numbers, and also bluetooth, if you forgot your bluetooth open, you can find your photos and videos on strangers cell phones and they may also be used in pornography or in blackmailing which is a great threat to privacy. Last but not least, mass storage MP3 devices, companies and firms should ban the use of ipods and memory sticks because through you can steal data as information could be downloaded onto this device quicker than onto a CD, which is a great threat to a company's status because these devices can lead to the stealing of private files and documents causing problems to the company as they are private files.

this link is an article about online privacy threatening: about how internet is threatening privacy and websites are smokescreens that benefit from this

Ola Serag : I am going to talk about is privacy on facebook and the side I am choosing to argue for is that facebook is safe. Privacy over facebook is safe and is left to the person's preferences. Some people can choose the option that could make everyone watch everything they post and others would limit their profiles so that not everything is accessible. Facebook has two major principles they are as follows: 1) You should have control over your personal information 2) You should have access to the information others want to share. Facebook is a licensee of the TRUSTe privacy program which is an independent, non profit organization whose mission is to build users trust and confidence in the internet by promoting the use of fair information practices. Because facebook wants to demonstrate its commitment to the users privacy it has agreed to disclose its information practices and have its privacy practices reviewed for compliance by TRUSTe. Therefore face book is considered to be one of the most safest social networks because the person is In control of what other see. He/she could limit their profiles to some certain friends. Another perspective on why facebook is safe is because no one could just see your personal information or even any information about you this can only happen under one condition which is if you added that person and he became on the friends list. No stranger can access your page. The point I'm making is that social networking sites are only as safe as the information you and your friends put on them and that no stranger can just have access to your personal information. This is the link to a video that shows some tips on how to stay safe on facebook:

This article states that social networks are actually safe for kids to use. And that the problem arises from the behavior of the users themselves they are the ones that encourage such acts to happen because it makes them feel loved and wanted. The networks like facebook and myspace have the security options needed to make the users safe because all the people on the lists are friends you know and trust and even if there are some people who you do not trust that much you can limit the profile for them so that not all your information is available for them. If the kids add people they do not know then they are the one jeopardizing their privacy they are giving the permission for stranger to invade it. Overall facebook is a very safe social network to use and it does not pose a threat as long as u are careful about the people you add to your friends list.


Unknown said...

Actually I like Rana's paragraph so much as she mentioned exactly how technology is threatening our lives and also provided significant examples that help me so much understand what she is talking about, which will let me later on pay a very close attention to the internet threat while surfing it and while using the MSN. This paragraph also taught me that I shouldn’t give out my private information. As for Sara I really find it interesting. Because someone like me who doesn’t believe in Facebook at all, she lets me be very convinced to have an account on it because it’s safe. Sara and Rana did a good job actually, and they both provided enough information about the topic they are introducing which is technology threat and safety on facebook.
Menna Akef ID: 900060726

Group 9 said...
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tota said...

Reem Mikhail 900072119

First I would love to thank those wonderfull people who wrote about this blog, because the topic they chose is so related to anyone in my age and related to me in specific.
I can clearly say that facebook takes most of my time and I'm one of those whom people call "facebook addict".
Facebook is considered to be a fascinating social network as it gathers many people around the world with different backgrounds but are similar in the kinds of music they listen to, their favourite movies, their favourite books and many other aspects of personality.
To some extent like Ola Serag mentioned in her blog that Facebook is considered to be safe because no one can enter or have access to your information unless you give them the right to by adding them on your friends list. For example: a user's school friends can have access to his profile and any other information the user posts to the service. Also the privacy settings page allowes the user to spesify who can see them in searches, their profile, their contact info...etc

But on the other hand facebook can be a threat for privacy not from people whom we don't know but even from the ones we know very well. A reasercher says that online networks like facebook allow high levels of surveillance and not just for marketers, collefe adminstrators are known to troll the profiles on facebook for evidence of illegal behaviour by students. Students might think they are merely crafting and surfing a vast network of peers , but because their facebook profile is, in essence, a public diary, there's nothing to stop anyone else -from markerters , to parents, to college officials- from reading it.

However, for me I think even though facebook and the whole privacy issue is still controversial ,Facebook allows me to cotact my friends, family and the rest of my cousins which helps me maintanning good relationships.

Refrences :

Group 9 said...
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Group 9 said...

Samar El Zayat 900060102

Nowadays social networking sites have became a part of everyone life, in just a short time. People became so attached to these sites here in Egypt and especially to Facebook. On these sties people can keep connected to their far away friends and can share very personal information.
However, with their very private information posted on these social networking sites no one grantees total privacy, not just on facebook or other social networks, but also on the internet in general.
For example, according to the article How to stay safe on social sites by Marc Cieslak "They will quite easily take that information and build up a profile to start taking credit out in your name or even take over your account. They could, for example, pretend to be you and take money out of your savings account."
Another way of getting personal information, credit card information is by PHISHING where the sender impersonates someone or some institution (frequently a bank or credit card company) and tries to trick recipients into changing or divulging
a password for malicious purposes. What happened with the AUC e-mails is a great example to illustrate what I want to say on Thursday, 22 May or early Friday, 23 morning an e-mail was sent to about 1000 students. The mail claimed to be from "AUCEGYPT SUPPORT TEAM" and told users that due to e-mail-client changes new passwords needed to be set it instructed the recipients to insert their passwords in a reply to the message.
This example shows that how well secured a website or e-mail is there is some way or another to trick users to give in personal information easily. So this can be avoided easily by not putting any personal information that might be useful to a fraudster on the front page of the profile.
Some tips on how to stay safe on facebook from professionals: Things you’ll need:
• Facebook account
Make sure to set your profile to "private." Make sure that only the people you want to see your profile sees it.
Avoid filling in all of your personal information. Even though you might think only your closest friends will have access to this information, there could be a time when you add a friend you don't really know, or someone else gains access to a friend's Facebook account and looks you up. Common sense says that all your personal information should already be known by your friends anyway.
Don't post anything you do not want the world to see. There are a lot of issues with unflattering pictures on Facebook getting people into a lot of trouble. If you would want to keep it from your mother, keep it off of Facebook.

Tips & Warnings
• Make sure you trust the friends that you add.
• Don't give anyone access to your account.

Here are some of the links that offer tips and tricks on how to stay safe of Face book and other social networks in general:

Link to the article:

Group 9 said...


Fourth Entry:

I agree that technology is a major threat to privacy in all possible ways like identity theft or blackmailing. I agree with rana's point of view and we also agree with the examples she gave like haking your private msn and your email and that's just a small threat that you can face. Another major problem is the example she gave which is about the 12 years old Korean boy who stole data from the congress security site and this proves that internet and technology in general can be threating to one's privacy and the security of the whole nation even with the highest security.

Athough facebook might be considered safe or not threating to privacy as Ola mentioned but still it is not considered 100% safe since anyone can download any program and access your private information and what Ola said contridicts with the example that rana mentioned earlier about the guy who can control your computer while he is sitting in his house like opening files that you did not open, and this is a great threat and then he would be able to acees your facebook account if you are already logged in and it would be no longer private or even safe.

Group 9 said...


Third Entry:

I agree that technology is a major threat to privacy in all possible ways like identity theft or blackmailing. I agree with rana's point of view and we also agree with the examples she gave like haking your private msn and your email and that's just a small threat that you can face. Another major problem is the example she gave which is about the 12 years old Korean boy who stole data from the congress security site and this proves that internet and technology in general can be threating to one's privacy and the security of the whole nation even with the highest security.

Athough facebook might be considered safe or not threating to privacy as Ola mentioned but still it is not considered 100% safe since anyone can download any program and access your private information and what Ola said contridicts with the example that rana mentioned earlier about the guy who can control your computer while he is sitting in his house like opening files that you did not open, and this is a great threat and then he would be able to acees your facebook account if you are already logged in and it would be no longer private or even safe.